Why run interval sessions when training for a marathon?
When you think of marathon training you may think of repetitively pounding the pavement at the same pace to increase your mileage. At Coopah we include a variety of runs in your marathon training plan to encourage running at different paces.
Interval training is a specific type of speed session that involves running at a faster pace for a specific distance or time. You may be familiar with speed work for shorter distances, but why is it beneficial to marathon training?
Interval sessions improve running efficiency & over time allow your body to adapt to a desired intensity. If you’re looking for a goal time for your marathon, practising running at your target time & at faster paces through interval-based sessions will help you become an efficient & overall faster runner.
Your running form will naturally change depending on the type of run you are completing within your training plan. When you run at different paces throughout your marathon training block, different structures within the body are strengthened as a result. When you run faster, you apply a greater force through your musculoskeletal system, meaning you are building strength in your muscles, joints, tendons & bones, which can subsequently improve posture & overall running form.
When you change up the type of running you are doing throughout the week there is less of a repetitive demand placed on the body, which decreases overuse injury risk. Pounding the pavements repetitively at the same pace on every run can stress muscles & tendons to the point of injury. When your pace & form is constantly changing, the stresses caused by running at one set pace don’t have the chance to build up to the point of injury.
We want to help you feel comfortable at your goal race pace. Achieving faster paces in training can boost confidence that you are progressing with the training plan, & able to maintain your target pace when it comes to race day.
Having different types of runs on the training plan also removes boredom & adds variety to your running week. Along the way, you may find you become faster over shorter distances due to completing the interval sessions in your marathon plan!