Coopah Running

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Can I Go From Couch To Marathon In 4 Months?

Many people have heard of the couch to 5km plans but Coopah HQ has been receiving a number of questions about going from couch to marathon in just 4 months.  This article is going to talk about the challenge of running a marathon, the mood people feel after running a marathon and if running a marathon from the couch really is a possibility…the short answer is yes…but you have to be committed.

The pain of a marathon

Let’s be honest, running a marathon is hard.  There is no easy way around that.  Our team at Coopah and have a large amount of marathons under our belts and it’s safe to say they don’t get easier however once the body knows the pain the body goes through in a marathon, they do become a bit easier for the mind, maybe because you know what to expect.

Although we would advise against doing a marathon in 4 months, it is possible.  If you have 6 months to train for the big 42.2km or even a year, we recommend this instead. So what should you expect during a marathon…

  1. Can I do this?  As you train alone and you experience running long distances whilst everyone sleeps, it is likely negative thoughts will creep in but move them to one side because you CAN

  2. The feeling of an athlete, as you line up on the start line as start your marathon, you will feel like a celebrity.  People will be screaming your name and you will think this is easy

  3. Shit, there is still 10 miles to go.  At 16 miles you are likely to worry that there is still 10 miles to go and how will you finish this.  At that point, turn this the other way round and say you are into single figures now and the countdown is on

  4. The pain of mile 22-25, this is when you will really go into a self battle.  Try to use the crowd to keep you going and remember every step is a step closer to the finish

  5. OMG, I am the best - at this point you’ve just finished and all those runners endorphins will be sky high.  Take all this in, you’ve become a marathon runner and are in a unique small club - welcome!

  6. I can’t move down the stairs….The next few days, walking is going to be painful and going down the stairs will hurt.  We recommend going down backwards

  7. All my colleagues think I am a superstar.  Milk this, you’re in the 1% of people who run marathons, really milk how great it was and let them make you feel like the best person in the world

  8. Enter another one?  We will let you decide that one!

Going from nothing to hero in 4 months

Yes, you’re still reading…yay!  So you want to feel like that superhuman, we love it.  Now where do we start?

  1. Start a training plan at least 16 weeks out and ensure you start easy

  2. If you need to walk on training runs, that is fine.  It is all about building yourself up

  3. Try not to miss sessions, you want to build your body up weekly on smaller mileage so when the distance gets further later in the marathon training plan, your body is used to it and you don’t get injured

  4. Set an alarm and do not snooze it

  5. The best way to get your run done is without having time to think about it, therefore get your kit out the night before and run straight out the door.  If this doesn’t work…sleep in your running gear!

  6. When a run is good, write about it.  How did you feel, why did you love it.  What went so well.  This will help keep you motivated when you don’t feel like a run!

Overall, many people go from couch to marathon in 4 months but the key is to build up gradually and not try to run too fast.  You can 100% do this if you put your mind to it.

It won’t be easy but by knowing what to expect, knowing the amazing journey you are going to go on and being able to set an epic goal is what is going to get you to that start line.

Remember, a medal lasts forever.  No one can take that away from you.

Want to discuss your running goal or your marathon goal?  Tell us via email or visit

You’ve got this!