Runner’s Spotlight: Grace Howarth at the London Marathon

Grace Howarth, Coopah Ambassador, just completed her first Marathon in her home city, London. In this blog, we have reached out to Grace to find out more about her London Marathon journey. Grace also shares insightful tips and tricks for runners getting into running and training for their first marathon!

So Grace, What is Your Running Background?

I started running in lockdown, having nothing else to do! I've been 'active' since 2018, enjoying the gym and cycling, however I always felt running wasn't for me - or I didn't look like your 'typical runner'. Lockdown catapulted me into the world of running where I took part in the 26.2 challenge - where I ran 26.2 miles in a week, this was a huge challenge for me. Following this I kept up running, enjoying it a little more each month.


In December 2020, I then decided I really needed a challenge for 2021 and came up with the idea of running everyone home for Christmas 2021 by virtually covering the length of the UK in a year. For me, this was a huge challenge and distance to cover, working out around 30km a week for a year. I created a running instagram page to help with my accountability and it's been amazing for inspiration, motivation and advice - making friends along the way. I then set off on the challenge on Christmas eve 2020 - and managed to recruit a friend to virtually do it with me! In 2021 I ran 7 half-marathons, making an improvement of 20 minutes on my PB (achieving a PB of 1 hour 52). I completed the challenge on Christmas eve 2021, and I couldn't believe it. It's still the proudest I've ever been. What people didn't know is that I applied to run the London Marathon 2022 before I completed the challenge, and was accepted onto team Alzheimers Research UK. I knew if I was going to run a marathon, a distance I couldn't even fathom at the time, then it had to be 2022 as I'd built up such a good fitness base, and it had to be in London - my home city!

What Made You Want to Run the London Marathon in 2022?

I have cheered at the London Marathon for the last 6 years as I work in the charity sector myself - it's the most inspirational day and I'm always left in awe of all those that cross the finish line, nevermind the incredible fundraising that goes along with it. I thought to myself when I was approaching the end of my 'running home for Christmas' challenge wow wouldn't it be amazing to run the London Marathon myself. I cheered at the London Marathon October 2021, and applied that day. It was there and then, or I'd never do it! I got the call from the team at Alzheimers Research UK and cried endlessly down the phone - I couldn't believe it, I was going to be crossing that finish line for a charity that means the world to me.

What was Your London Marathon Goal?

I amazingly got in the ballot so I gave up my charity place but still ran for Alzheimers Research UK with my ballot place. Therefore, I set myself a fundraising target of £1000. My main goal was around consistency, I wanted to try my very best and stick to the Coopah plan as much as possible. Regarding my time, I'll be honest, I really didn't mind - it was me against me.


What Running For Alzheimer’s Research UK Meant to You?

My Dad was diagnosed with dementia 12 years ago, when I was just 16 years old. To be told at 16 that you'll be slowly losing your Dad over time is something that was hard to come to terms with. Over the years, as a family, we've created memories to last a lifetime and he's still travelling the world and making the most of every day. He's also the best Grandpa to two special grandchildren who will always remember his silly old ways. Alzheimers Research UK has helped my family, especially my Mum over the years. My Dad is a rare case, it's slow progression and he's still extremely clever - yet he won't be able to tell you what he's had for lunch, but will tell you in a week's time! Alzheimers Research UK have done lots of research on my Dad, and I hope it brings us one step closer to a cure to this terrible illness one day.


When Did You Start Training with Coopah and How Did You Find Marathon Training?

I started training with Coopah 20 weeks before Marathon day - I wanted the longest plan possible to really get me prepared for the day.

I can hand on heart say I would not have been able to run the London Marathon without Coopah - I have them and only them to thank. The app was amazing, it told me exactly what to do, when to do it and how to do it. I was a complete novice when it came to any form of intervals, tempo runs, easy runs - I didn't know a thing, I'd only ever 'got out the door and run until it hurt, a lot' .

I learnt a lot through Coopah and its members - the online community (and sometimes in-person!) was the best forum for advice.

I fell in love with running, it changed my life. Some days the last thing I wanted to do was get out on a summer's day and run, but Coopah made me do it and I'll be forever grateful. Getting that 'tick' on the plan was all the motivation and accountability I needed.

And the team at Coopah are magic - they'll get back to you instantly on any question you have from training, nutrition, injuries or even just words of motivation when you're feeling flat.

Did You Face Any Challenges in Training? How Did You Overcome Them?

When I first saw the word 'sprint' I immediately went into panic mode. I thought, well there is just NO WAY I can run that quick. But hey, put your mind to it and you can do anything. The plan prepares you over time for these sessions. Yes, you might not always hit the pace it suggests due to a number of factors, but when you do, you know everything is falling into place.

I had to sacrifice some of my social life, but not too much. My friends and family were amazing at understanding sometimes I had to leave early as I needed to get up at 5am to get in that long run.


The London heatwave was also a huge challenge for me - let's just say the sun isn't my best friend at the best of times. However, I adapted and learnt to love early mornings. I would be up at 5am and run for 3+ hours, it was a challenge but it taught me a lot about myself and the determination I had to complete this challenge.

Did You Have Pre-Race Day Nerves? What Helped You?

The day before I was beyond nervous - the self-doubt kicked in. However, having my family and friends by my side every step of the way reassured me. Knowing my Dad was at that finish line was the one thing that I knew would get me to the finish line. I also knew I'd tried my very best with the training. I had put in the hard work and this was just the victory lap!

What Got You Through The Training and Those Hard Miles on Marathon Day?

My 'why'. I think every runner needs a 'why' to run a marathon - whether that be a time in mind, a cause, a fitness goal or just simply the medal. I also just kept thinking 'you're going to be a marathoner' - that was a wild thought to me.


I won't lie though, some days I did say 'remember after this you will never have to run again' (I can now confirm this isn't the case haha!)

What Do You Wish You Knew Before Starting Marathon Training?

The time commitment and how much I'd need to eat. I think I was a bit naive to just how much marathon training would take over my diary, but knowing it's just for a few weeks made it all OK. And my gosh, it so worth it!

Top Tips for Someone Thinking About Fundraising For A Charity

Fundraising when doing something like a marathon is honestly the best motivation. It also makes you accountable, not just to the charity but also to those that have sponsored you. I know the fundraising targets for something like the marathon can be daunting but if you think outside the box for fundraising ideas (e.g. selling things on Ebay/Vinted and donating the money!) I promise you, it's achievable. Wearing your charity vest on the day is epic, and the support they give you in the lead up to the event (nevermind the cheers on event day!) is incredible.

Top Tip For Anyone Thinking Of Running a Marathon

Don't think too hard about it and just sign up. Once you've got that confirmation email, then sign up to Coopah. You won't regret it and Coopah will get you to that finish line in the best shape possible and help you achieve all your running goals. It'll teach you all you need to know about running a marathon, especially if it's your first time like me.


What is Next on your Running Radar?

I can't wait to get more medals and run more half marathons. I want to do Hackney Half and a few more along the way. My biggest goal for 2023 will be getting my London Classics medal - having completed RideLondon-100 twice, I just need to conquer the swim and I'll be in that Hall of Fame. I'll be using Coopah until I simply can't run anymore - I know that for a fact!

Congratulations Grace for completing your first London Marathon and for your amazing fundraising efforts towards Alzheimer’s Research UK. Best of luck Grace on your upcoming training challenges! You will rock it!

Want to join Grace on Coopah and start your running journey?

Download Coopah today!

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