Team Coopah Team Coopah

Hey Runner... here's why you shouldn't have a "cheat day"... and what to do instead

Do you have "cheat days"? Cheat days (and cheat meals) are incredibly popular. The idea behind them, if you're not familiar, is to eat healthy most of the time, say, 6 days a week, and avoid "treats" - like chips, fast food, desserts, alcohol, soda, or any number of "bad" foods. Then you allow yourself to have all the foods that you crave one day a week.

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Team Coopah Team Coopah

What runners should eat on a rest day

If you're like many runners out there, you might find it hard to take a rest day. I know I've struggled with this a lot, and sometimes still do.

One thing that some runners find hard to accept is that they're often more hungry on their rest days than they are on their active days! Trust me, this is completely normal... nothing has gone wrong!

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Team Coopah Team Coopah

Covid hasn’t cancelled running! Check out these UK routes

As part of our 2021 blog, we want to bring you some of our favourite runs and races from around the world. For January, we have kept it to the UK, exploring a mix of races and sightseeing runs as we know we cannot travel at the moment. Check them out:

- London Sightseeing

- The Bacchus Marathon

- Brighton seafront

- Bushy Park, London

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Peter Cooper Peter Cooper

What to look for in a Running Coach

As a runner, you're constantly looking for improvements. Looking towards the best shoes, the best compression gear, maximising your nutrition, sleep & recovery. For some, this pursuit can lead them to working with a running coach. Someone who can develop a plan, get the most out of their training, see things from a calm & balanced point of view, and guide them towards the success they're after. But it can be difficult to decide which direction to go in. Which coach do you go with? Do I want to be a part of that team or another one? Whats different about them?

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