Free running training plans

Free training plans

Although we would always recommend getting a personalised training plan, free training plans can be an excellent tool to help you improve your running and get ready for your race.

What is included in a typical 12 week half or full marathon plan?

A generic 12 week training plan will often include:

  1. Generic sessions including duration of each session

  2. Specified rest days

These generic plans are helpful in providing you with a rough guide on what it takes to prepare for your race. The problem with these plans is that they don't provide detail on how to complete each session and give you no ability to track your progress. They are also inflexible and lack detail around other important training like strength and conditioning sessions.

What's included in a training plan?

A training plan should be designed to help you get a more rounded easy to follow generic plan that helps those not ready for a personalised coach to prepare with greater confidence. 

We believe that it is vital to mix up your training each week and this is why you will should see a range of training in your plan.

  1. Base mileage. Our running plans build up your weekly mileage over time. We will have you running four-to-five times per week and we include strength and conditioning and yoga into this plan to reduce the risk of injury.

  2. The long run. You will see that each week there is a long run that builds up weekly.  Take these easy and enjoy them.

  3. Speed work. Our plans incorporate intervals and tempo runs to increase your lactate threshold and VO2 max capacity.

  4. Rest and recovery. Adequate rest helps prevent injuries and mental burnout.

 Check out this blog post to learn more about the different phases of the Coopah training plans.

Finding the right plan

When you start looking for a training plan or a running coach you have made the conscious decision that you wish to perform better and you need some help. Whether you are training for a half marathon or a full marathon, getting the right tips on your training can be the difference between an injury or a PB. 

Despite the importance of a training plan, it can be difficult to know where to start or what to look for. For example if you enter “Free running training plans into google” you will get over 600 million returns! That is a lot of reading to get through. If you are happy to pay for a coach then you may google “running coach near me” and the search will be tailored to your area. However, coaches can be expensive and may not have the time to meet your needs. These are just some of the challenges you can encounter that the Coopah app can help with.

What are the benefits of having a personalised training plan? 

Every runner is unique and to get the best out of your training we recommend getting a personalised plan. Coopah members are able to get personalised plans tailored to them at the fraction of the price of a coach. Our digital coach will create a training plan specific to your target race and time. As you train, our plans adjust based on your progress, giving you the right sessions at the right time.


The Coopah app is supported on both Android and iOS devices.

You can download the Coopah app for Android devices from the Google Play Store. Users of iOS devices can find it in the App Store.


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