Coopah Running

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How Do I Set Up A Marathon Training Plan?

Has the London Marathon inspired you to sign up to your first Marathon? Or maybe your 4th, 5th or even 15th marathon?

Are you wanting to prepare for your upcoming marathon? Following a training plan for your marathon will make the day much more enjoyable. Runners choose to use a marathon training plan to ensure they build their weekly mileage gradually, smashes their marathon PB, reduce the risk of injury.

Pete, Coopah’s co-founder has just begun his Tokyo Marathon Training! You may be wanting to do the same!

This blog is going to help you setting up a marathon training plan using the Coopah App, your digital running coach. Coopah will provides you with a fully personalised marathon training plan to smash your marathon goal! Coopah has over 500 different running session, Yoga classes and Strength and Conditioning session to help you become the best runner you can be. On top of this, you can chat to a Coopah Run Coach via the app, a qualified S&C coach, certified physio and nutrition specialist if you have any questions along the way. To find out more about the Coopah App download today or head to App Features.

3 Things To Do Before Marathon Training Starts

Make sure you are injury free before you start your training PLAN

Increasing your running mileage will only elongate injury time. Make sure to speak with your physio as it may be beneficial to keep run but adding a few stretches and exercises to your day.

Build Up Your Strength

Strength training is proven to improve running performance. Before you start marathon training, it is a good idea to have worked in your strength. Then you can bring your strength routine into your marathon training or if you train with Coopah, we will provide you with a weekly Strength and conditioning session every week.

Allow FOR some flexibility with your training before marathon training begins

Once marathon training begins, you will have less freedom on the exercise you choose to do on a given day. So before you start, if you want to do horse riding instead of your 40 min easy run or try open water swimming instead of your Strength and Conditioning session, go for it! Don’t worry, even when marathon training, you will still be able to activities other than running, just not as frequent.

And if you do not want to work out one day before training starts, don’t. Once marathon training kicks in, we will need all the discipline we can get to tick that run off before work on a Thursday or on a Sunday afternoon when we are not feeling tip top.

Follow these 5 steps to create your Personalised marathon training plan:

1.Download Coopah

The Coopah app is supported on both Android and iOS devices.

You can download the Coopah app for Android devices from the Google Play Store. Users of iOS devices can find it in the App Store.

2. Open the app and Sign up to Coopah

3. Answer the following questions

  • Select your race from the options provided or insert it manually

  • Let us know your target distance

  • What is your target time?

  • What is your easy run pace (per km)?

  • Which days of the week do you; have the most time, want to exert the most and have the least time?

  • Confirm your answers and click Get Started

4. Coopah will create your personalised marathon training plan

Once you have answered those questions, Coopah will instantly create a fully personalised training plan for you to arrive on race day in the best shape possible.

5. Complete your first session!

To complete your first session, head to the train tab and then click week on the top on your screen.

Common questions asked when creating a marathon training plan

What is a Good Marathon time to aim for?

This really depends on you. If this is your first marathon, your main focus should be on reaching the finishing line and enjoying your marathon journey.

If you have already done a marathon, you may wish to complete your next marathon quicker.

Can I edit the dates of my sessions?

Yes, you can change the dates of each training session. Just click on the session you wish to change and press edit. From there select the day you wish to do it.

Do I need any equipment for my marathon training?

Besides comfortable and appropriate running gear and shoes and a way to track your run (i.e. Garmin watch or Strava), there is not much else you will need.

For the yoga classes, you may wish to use a yoga mat to lie on (or a towel). And a block for some of the sessions would be useful but there are many items you can use instead of a yoga block.

The Strength and Conditioning sessions can be done without specific gym equipment. However, having a chair or bench nearby would be very useful. Coach James recommends having a selection of weights (dumbbells and kettlebells) and resistance bands to use in your workouts but each S+C session can be done without these items.

What if my marathon is more than six months away?

At Coopah, we recommend to do a marathon specific training programme for 16- 24 weeks ahead of your marathon. If you are an experienced runner you will be able to spend less weeks preparing for your marathon.

If your next marathon is more than six months away, there are several options you can do. You can focus on a half marathon or a 10km for 8 - 12 weeks before taking a week or two doing active recovery ahead of starting your marathon training. This will improve your overall fitness and get your legs running faster than your marathon pace.

If you are new to running, read our blog about how long it takes to train for a marathon from scratch.

Can I edit my target race time without creating a new plan?

Yes, you can! Head over to the plan section on the Train tab and scroll to the bottom. Where it says Plan Setting, click the box below Target Race Time and update your goal time.