How Long Should A Beginner Take To Train For A Half Marathon?

Completing a Half Marathon is a huge milestone for many runners. A half marathon is a road race of 13.1094 miles or 21.0975km. It is also half the distance of a full marathon. 

At Coopah, we create and help athletes like you to complete a half marathon. This blog is for those thinking about running their first half marathon and want to know how long they need to train to run a HM. At Coopah, we are here to help get all runners ready for a half marathon. 

Some reasons why people choose to run a HM may include to fundraise for a charity or they may have the goal of finishing a particular Half Marathon race they have also wanted to do, for example, The Big Half or The Great North Run. Others may do it with more of a competitive focus, to secure a new PB or to represent their nation at international events. Other runners complete a half marathon to then go on to longer distances, like a full marathon or an ultra-marathon.


Here, at Coopah, we advise runners to start gradually. We recommend following a 5K training plan and then a 10K training plan before your training for your first Half Marathon. Enjoy the journey, there is no need to rush it.

The amount of time a beginner should train for a marathon depends on your previous running experience and your current fitness level. Your training plan will vary considerably depending on the goal you set. Is your goal to reach the finish line? Then you will be focusing on building up your mileage. Is your goal to complete the half marathon in under 2 hours? Then your training will be focused on running faster for longer as well as building up your mileage gradually. 

As mentioned before, if you are new to running, we recommend starting off slow. Spend 6 - 8 weeks training for a 5K and then 10 - 14 week training for a 10K. And then 16 - 20 weeks doing a half marathon training plan. Some runners prefer to spend 24 weeks training for their first half marathon. Between each training plan, it is recommended to do active recovery for a week or two before starting your next. 

The longer you spend training for a half marathon (up to a certain point) the more time your body will have to adapt to the increased mileage. It also puts less pressure on having to do every session, as you have more weeks to put the training in. For example, if you are ill or have other commitments and miss a few sessions, there is no need to worry, you, your body and your mind will be ready come race day. 

However, if you are tighter for time and do not have 10 months to build up to a half marathon. It is possible to get Half Marathon fit in 12 - 16 weeks of training, which is three to four months of following a half marathon training plan. 

How to start training for your Half Marathon? 

Coopah will provide you with all the training sessions you need to achieve your first Half Marathon! All you have to do is sign up to Coopah and answer a few questions. Then Coopah will instantly create your customised training plan so you can start right away. 

You can choose between going straight in and creating a half marathon training right away. However, if you have the time and are new to running, we recommend doing a 5k training plan first, then a 10k training programme and then a Half Marathon training plan. 

  1. Download Coopah

You can download the Coopah app for Android devices from the Google Play Store. Users of iOS devices can find it in the App Store.


2. Sign up and create a training plan 

You can select to train for a race or run for a target time. Select your distance, end date and goal time. Tell us which days you would like to train harder, longer and the least. 

3. Start your 5K/ 10K/ Half Marathon training 

Head to the Train Page on the App and then click on Week to view your first training session! 

Download Coopah today! 

In conclusion, all runners no matter their current running fitness are able to complete a half marathon. The training required will differ depending of their current fitness levels, their half marathon goal and the amount of time they have until the big day. Coopah will create a half marathon training plan just for you, specific to your Half Marathon Day, current fitness level and your goal. Sign up to start your half marathon training today!

Best of luck with training!

Get in touch via if you have any questions regarding training for your first Half Marathon!

The Coopah app is supported on both Android and iOS devices.

You can download the Coopah app for Android devices from the Google Play Store. Users of iOS devices can find it in the App Store.


Running your first Marathon


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