Choosing a running coach can be quite a difficult task. There are lots of options to choose from. It is a personal one to answer, one particular coach will not be the best for every runner. 

First of all, who needs a running coach? 

All runners, everyone who has ever run and wants to improve their fitness and/or running, would benefit greatly from a running coach. It does not matter if you are just starting out or if you are aiming for that sub 3 hour marathon, we all could do with a running coach.

Why do we need a running coach?

A running coach who provides you with a training plan which includes expert guidance and knowledge to prepare you, will make it more likely to achieve the goal you had in mind, whether it is to run your fastest 10km or to achieve couch to 5km, and you will be less likely to suffer a dreaded injury. 

How to choose a running coach?

No one coach fits all. Everyone will have a type of coaching which is most suitable for them. It is important to choose carefully. Another option is to try a few different types out and see which type of coaching or coach is best for you. You can also chat to a few different coaches and clubs before making a decision, and ask them questions.

Maybe throughout your running career you will use several different types of coaching. Likewise, you may use several different types of coaching at the same time, for example, you may be part of your local running club and be a member of Coopah. If so, chat to your coach to see if you need to make any necessary changes to avoid overtraining whilst ensuring you are covering all the sessions for your desired outcome as well as making sure your training fits into your schedule and is not taking time away from other areas.

The Runner Bean, Charlie Watson mentioned a few things she focuses on when looking for a running coach

  • Make sure they do their stuff - And in some cases, even better if they know the specific route you are doing if your training will be focused on a particular event. How do their plans work? What training have they done? 

  • Testimonials - What do others say about a particular running coach, a training plan or a coaching service? 

  • Their style and their approach - Do you know what training style works for you or what training style definitely does not work for you?

  • The cost - How much are you prepared to spend? Would you train better if you paid for a coach?

  • Contact - How much do you want to talk with your coach? 

If you are not sure about a few of these, it would be a great idea to bring these up in the initial call with them. 

There are many different types of running coaches. Different coaches will vary in their offering and price. It is important to pick a coach and/or training plan which suits you. 

Different types of running coaches include: 

Personal Running Coaches

  • Likely to be cost more than other options

  • Tailored training plan to you

  • Flexible

  • Regular communication with coach (depending on each coach)

Running Clubs/ Groups

  • Flexibility - depending on the club, but less flexible than other types of coaching; personal coaching, digital running coach

  • Club fees may exist

  • Opportunity to become a competitive runner as part of a team

Digital Running Coach - Coopah

  • Flexibility, training plan which is created around you

  • Specific to your running goals

  • Accessible - 24 hour personal running coach in your pocket

  • Creates a personalised training plan instantly

  • Communicate with a range of different professionals through the Coopah App

  • Low cost - £7 per month


Static Training Plans 

  • Majority of training plans are free

  • Accessible - Can be found online

  • Training plan is not tailored to you or your specific goal

  • Training plan is not flexible


To read more, head to What Types of Running Coaches are There? 

Personalised run coaching is not only for the elite runners. Personalised coaching is for all runners. Running coaches welcome everyone, runners of all speeds and ages, no matter where you are in your running journey. 

So whether you want a 12 week half marathon training plan to achieve a PB in your upcoming race or wish to feel a bit fitter when you do Tuesday track session with your friends, a coach will provide you with the right training for you to achieve whatever your running goals. 


There are many different training plans available for all abilities and distances, however having a plan which is bespoke to you and your goals can bring huge training gains over the free static training plans.

While online plans can provide a guideline for your training, a coach can prescribe training sessions that are specifically made for your goals, your life, and your body. This will reduce injury and when injury does come along, a personalised training plan will help you get back on track.

Why choose Coopah as your running coach? 

Coopah members are able to get personalised plans tailored to them at the fraction of the price of a coach. Our digital coach will create a training plan specific to your target race and time. As you train, our plans adjust based on your progress, giving you the right sessions at the right time.

Our plans come with thousands of running sessions and are supplemented with strength and conditioning, Yoga and nutrition tips to help give you the winning edge to your training.


With Coopah, you  also get a running coach which you can chat with. You also have access to professional physio, qualified S&C coaches and nutrition specialists. Not only these professionals but you can interact with the wider Coopah community and even meet up with runners in person along your journey. 

Coopah App features:

  • Personalised training plans created instantly 

  • Adapts to your training performance accordingly

  • Plans your training specifically to your event day, distance and desired goal time

  • Opportunity to chat with Strength and Conditioning coaches, qualified nutritionists, professional physios as well as a wider community of runners

  • Integrated with Garmin

  • Always accessible via our downloadable app

  • All for just £7 per month.


We are giving you a 7 day free trial for you to see whether you think this is the best option for you.

The Coopah app is supported on both Android and iOS devices.

You can download the Coopah app for Android devices from the Google Play Store. Users of iOS devices can find it in the App Store.



Movold, J., 2021. Why you might benefit from a running plan – even without a race in the diary. Runner’s World [online]. Available at: [Accessed 10th June 2022]


Harris-Fry, N., 2021. Running Training Plans Explained. Coach Mag [online]. Available at:,step%20out%20of%20the%20door. [Accessed 10th June 2022]


Watson, C., 2016. 6 Things I Consider When Choosing A Running Coach. Women’s Running [online]. Available at: [Accessed 1st July 2022] 


Walsh, H., 2022., The Benefits of Having a Running Coach. Runners need. [online]. Available at: [Accessed 14th June 2022]. 

Dellapena, D., 2013. 5 Reasons to Hire a Running Coach. Podium Runner. [online]. Available at: [Accessed 14th  June 2022]. 

Mateo, A., 2021. 5 Very Convincing Reasons Why You Need a Running Coach. Runner’s World. [online]. Available at: [Accessed 14th June  2022]


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