Is it worth getting a running coach?

In short, yes! If running is something you wish to improve at or practise regularly and wish to keep running for a while yet, then having a running coach will benefit you. 

A running coach helps runners develop skills which can be very useful when it comes to running but also helpful in other areas of their life. A coach will help runners to strengthen their body and rest it to protect the body from injury. In doing this, running coaches will also be helping runners achieve their running 

First Of All, Who Needs A Running Coach? 

All runners, everyone who has ever run and wants to improve their fitness and/or running, would benefit greatly from a running coach. It does not matter if you are just starting out or if you are aiming for that sub 3 hour marathon, we all could do with a running coach.

Why Do We Need A Running Coach?

A running coach is a running expert who provides you with a training plan which includes expert guidance and knowledge to prepare you for your upcoming running goal. Following expert guidance will make it more likely for you to achieve the goal you had in mind, whether it is to run your fastest 10km or to achieve couch to 5km, smash your Half-Marathon PB or run your first Marathon.

While at the same time ensuring you are resting enough, loading your mileage in a gradual manner. And some running coaches, like Coopah, make sure they provide the correct session for you at the right pace.  

Benefits of a Running Coach

There are many ways in which a run coach can benefit you and your running goals. For example, you will not need to dive into all the running books in order to create your plan, your coach will provide the sessions you need to achieve your running goal. Below is a list of a few more of the benefits a running coach can provide runners with:

  • Allows you to train smarter towards your goals, ensuring you, your plan is built using expert knowledge and in some cases built specifically for you. 

  • You are able to fit running into your schedule. It is important to make running fit into your routine and not the other way round, this will make it much more sustainable going forward too

  • Achieve milestones you did not think were a possibility for you. Once you have a plan towards a goal, you are much more likely to achieve it. 

  • Having a coach there to hold you accountable will keep you ticking off your training sessions even on the tougher days. 

  • If a running expert is writing your training plan, your sessions will be focused towards achieving your goal and will include the correct amount of rest and recovery, gradual mileage build and a few tougher sessions you may not be keen on writing yourself. 

And if you choose a more personal training experience, for example, 1:1 coaching or digital run coach, these will benefit your running performance more as your training plan will be created specifically for you, your existing schedule, current running level and desired running goal. 


There are so many different kinds of running coaches out there. For example, a group running coach, personal running coach, digital running coach, etc. Read What Types of Running Coaches are there for more information. All have different benefits so make sure to read about each one. And remember, you can always try one for a bit and then try another type of coaching as everyone is different.

Why Choose Coopah As Your Running Coach? 

Coopah members are able to get personalised plans tailored to them at the fraction of the price of a coach. Our digital coach will create a training plan specific to your target race and time. As you train, our plans adjust based on your progress, giving you the right sessions at the right time.

Our plans come with thousands of running sessions and are supplemented with strength and conditioning, Yoga and nutrition tips to help give you the winning edge to your training.

With Coopah, you get access to a running coach which you can chat with. You also have access to a professional physio, qualified S&C coaches and nutrition specialists. Not only these professionals but you can interact with the wider Coopah community and even meet up with runners in person along your journey. 

Coopah App features:

  • Personalised training plans created instantly 

  • Adapts to your training performance accordingly

  • Plans your training specifically to your event day, distance and desired goal time

  • Opportunity to chat with a Running Coach, Strength and Conditioning coaches, qualified Nutritionists, professional Physios as well as a wider community of  supportive runners

  • Integrated with Garmin

  • 24/7 accessible via our downloadable app

  • All for just £6.99 per month.


We are giving you a 7 day free trial for you to see whether you think this is the best option for you.

The Coopah app is supported on both Android and iOS devices.

You can download the Coopah app for Android devices from the Google Play Store. Users of iOS devices can find it in the App Store.


24 Hour ParkRun


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