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London Marathon: Top Tips from Our Coaches

London Marathon is fast approaching. Runners from all around the world will take to the streets of London to take on this beautiful Marathon course and joined by thousands and thousands of spectators cheering them on every step of the way. TCS London Marathon will take place on Sunday 27th April 2025.

Our Coaches, Jordan Foster and James Thie, wanted to share their top tips and advice with you.


  • If you have not tested a specific running top/ gel/ breakfast before race day - stay away from it until post marathon. So nothing is chanced on race day! No first ever expresso or brand new shoes out the box!!

  • If you have a goal time, use your watch to check km, mile or 5km splits. Some still write on their hand or wrist the old fashioned way! If doing that also put a motivational message to keep you going!!

  • If run with music, pick a ‘kick ass’ playlist that will best represent the 26.2mile journey you are going on! Use some in training in the weeks leading in, so it reminds you of certain key runs and also people/places that will motivate you when it does get tough! You can ask your family and friends to choose songs for you too and add them to the playlist.

Tips for Race Day

  • Plan your journey to the start line. Make sure you know which start you are in and which is the best station to use. It will be busy, but if you plan ahead it is one less thing to worry about on the day.

  • Print your name on your running top. The crowds in London are something else and there is nothing better than hearing thousands of people cheering your name whilst you’re running, you will feel like a rockstar!

  • Wear an old t-shirt, jacket & tights to start line pen, as you are maybe there a while and have a long walk/jog from that pen to the start line (timing mats). They help us to stay warm and dry, then discard before start, plus most are picked up and used for charity.

  • Don’t get carried away at the start, stick to your plan and the pace you have been training for. Ignore the people sprinting past you in the first mile, chances are you will pass them again later on!

  • Use and take advantage of all water & gel stations on route. A key is keeping your energy levels topped up! Gels every 30-40mins and never feeling thirsty, will hopefully see you home! Remember though, with water it’s ‘little and often’ do not over drink. - Remember to trial this out in your training runs!

  • Arrange cheering points with friends and family. It can be a huge boost to know when you are going to see a friendly face, and it can help massively if you are having a tough few miles! Sometimes all you need is a hug or a high five from a loved one.

  • And most importantly, enjoy it! For a lot of people London is a once in a lifetime opportunity so make the most of it - soak up the crowds, take in all the sights and celebrate running 26.2 miles!

Did you find this tips useful? And do you have other great tips you would like to share with our community? Leave them as a comment below, we would love to hear them!