The 5 Benefits Of An Interval Run

Interval training is essentially doing a high intensity activity, for example, 3mins at your 5k pace followed by a low intensity activity, for example, 4mins at your easy run pace, 3 times over. The concept of interval training has been around for years as the basis for athletic fitness training, and helps burn more calories, increase speed, strength, endurance, and improve overall athletic performance.

The duration of interval training will vary quite a lot as well as the pace and time of each interval. At times you may spend less time at your higher intensity than your lower intensity activity. And other times may be the other way around. Whether you are looking to go from couch to half marathon or do you fastest 5 adding in interval sessions into your training plan is a brilliant idea!

How does interval training work? 

Interval training works to improve both the aerobic and anaerobic systems, which as a result helps to improve your fitness levels.

When you are working at your higher intensity period, you need to transfer energy from glucose to your muscles very fast. But your body cannot get oxygen to your muscles fast enough for aerobic respiration to happen, so your body must use your anaerobic system as it works without oxygen and uses the energy which is already stored in your muscles (glycogen). But this produces lactic acid. 

You need oxygen to break down lactic acid after exercise. It is during the recovery period of your interval session that your heart and lungs work together to pay back the oxygen debt and break down the lactic acid. During this period your aerobic system uses oxygen to convert stored carbohydrates into energy.

Research has suggested that by performing high-intensity intervals (HIIT) which produces lactic acid, your body adapts and burns the acid more efficiently during exercise meaning you should be able to exercise at a higher intensity for a longer period of time before fatigue slows you down.


Benefits of interval training 

Allows benefits of a longer workout in a short space of time

1.Less time consuming but similar results 

A study from Gatorade Sport Science Institute states that HIIT (high intensity interval training; sprinting) is a great way to induce physiological adaptations that resemble changes typically associated with traditional endurance training, despite a lower total volume and less time training.

Data suggests that individuals can burn more calories performing an HIIT session than spending the same amount of time performing a steady-state exercise session. 

2. Reduce risk of injury 

 A 2016 study indicates that interval training on a regular basis may be recommended to marathon runners to reduce the risk of injury.

3. Improves VO2 max 

VO2 max is the maximum (max) rate (V) of oxygen (O₂) your body is able to use during exercise. Improving your VO2 max is really important, especially if you are trying to run a fast 5k, as the quicker you run the more lactic acid you build up and the better VO2 max you have the more efficient you are at using oxygen, and the more efficient you become at removing lactic acid from the blood. 

4. Get used to running at your race pace

 Interval training is a way to practise race pace without tiring your body out too much. Even though your fitness may not be up to the task of running a half marathon of your goal pace just yet, your body will be able to run at that pace for shorter periods of time. This allows us to get more comfortable with this pace and even faster paces. This will also give us confidence in our training. 


5. Changes up your training 

Due to interval running sessions having so many variations including speeds, elevation and durations, there are always ways to keep your mind engaged in your interval session. 

The Alberto Juantorena - Interval Training Session

Warm up 

6x 600m with recovery in between each 600m 

Cool down

Jamie (@jamie.goes.running on instagram) did this session last week. Here is what Jamie had to say about it: 

‘’This is a tough but enjoyable interval session that really shows you where you're at with your speed! The recovery time is just enough to re-energise for the next rep and I know that, come race day, this session will help me push on towards the end and get me to that target time!"

Do you want to try this session? Download the app today, subscribe, choose your training plan and discover the wide range of sessions we offer to help you achieve your running goals!⁠ 

Get your training plan here!

Interval training may be very beneficial to individuals who wish to gain the benefits of both resistance and cardiovascular training but do not have loads of time to dedicate to exercise.

Coopah will provide you with specific interval sessions to target your race distance and your goal time! Each session tells you a breakdown regarding warm up, main session and cool down as well as the pace you should aim to run at during each step.



The Coopah app is supported on both Android and iOS devices.

You can download the Coopah app for Android devices from the Google Play Store. Users of iOS devices can find it in the App Store.


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