What is a good marathon time?

What is a good marathon time?

“What is a good marathon time?” is a question we often get from runners and we always respond with “anyone who completes the 26.2 distance is an absolute superstar!”, because we truly believe that just finishing a marathon is a great achievement. Training for and completing a marathon is not for the faint hearted, so any time that you take the plunge and register is a personal achievement you should be proud of. “But what constitutes a good marathon time?” is always the follow up question. The answer to that depends on a number of variables including age, biological sex, ability and course difficulty. So before you start judging your time or goal time it's important to factor in these variables. 

What is a good marathon time for a professional?

Professional runners continue to improve and push the boundaries of what we previously thought possible. Improvements in nutrition, running shoe technology and training methods have allowed the professional circuit to make gigantic leaps. Eluid Kipcoge holds the male record with a finish time of 2:01:39 which he recorded at the Berlin Marathon in 2018. Brigid Kosgei holds the female record with a time of 2:14:04 which she recorded at the Chicago Marathon in 2019. According to Asics, elite men tend to average about 2:05:00 and elite women tend to score around 2:22:00. Most people would struggle to record those times on a bike let alone in a pair of running shoes which is testament to the extraordinary ability of these athletes.

What is a good marathon time for an advanced runner?

A sub 3 hour marathon would be considered exceptional for an advanced runner. In fact only the top 5% of runners finish marathons in less than three hours. If you have performed well at a half marathon, or have registered a quick 10k time on a consistent basis you might have the ability to push for a sub 3 hour marathon. Depending on your current fitness levels and weekly mileage, you are likely to need 16-24 weeks to train for getting a sub 3 hour time. You should then focus on finding a sub 3 hour marathon training plan that incorporates all of the key runs you need to build the strength, endurance and speed to register that time. Check out our blog that provides more details on training sessions for marathoners. Finally, getting the right nutrition plan and strength and conditioning will also be crucial to your conditioning. 

Not everyone will register a sub 3 hour time, but that does not mean they are not “advanced”. A Boston Marathon qualifying time can also be used as a good benchmark time for advanced runners. The Boston qualifying times also provide a great guide that allows you to benchmark your performance against others in your categories. In order to compete in the Boston Marathon you must complete a certified marathon in the time allocated for your age group and biological sex. (see image below). This provides a fantastic benchmark for those who feel they are getting better and want to test themselves against other advanced runners. So if you are a 52 year old female and you have just completed a 4 hour marathon, get yourself the right sub 4 marathon training plan to give you the best chance at getting that Boston Qualifying time.

Boston Qualifying Times - https://www.baa.org/races/boston-marathon/qualify

What is a good marathon time for an average runner?

So for everyday runners who have some race experience, finishing a marathon in under 5hours would constitute an excellent result. According to Healthline most men finish a marathon in under 4.5 hours and most women complete the course in just under 5 hours. So as you can see regardless of ability, any marathon is a relatively long time so it's important that you train the body to be able to be on its feet for that duration. 

It's also important to remember that you are only racing against yourself so it's better to focus on your ability and do the best you can. A personal best (PB) is yours so regardless of whether it's 6 hours or 3 hours,  the feeling is the same and you can be proud of your performance.

What is a good marathon time for a beginner?

It is true that some people rock up to their first marathon and qualify for Boston, but it is also true that others break down and end up walking for large portions of the race. As a beginner it's important to not worry about time and to get a beginner training plan that will help you build up the strength to confidently complete the marathon distance. Although it may be tempting to just plod along during your training, a training plan that incorporates a variety of running sessions along with a range of strength and conditioning will help make sure you get the right balance. If you are an absolute beginner with little to no training experience it is likely you will need 16-24 weeks to condition the body to race. 

How do I get the right training plan?

To get the right plan it's important to understand where you are with your fitness and strength levels. These data points will dictate what level of training you require and what type of time is achievable. The Coopah app is a fantastic way to get a personalized training plan tailored to you. Our marathon training plans consider the date, how much time you have before your race, and the timings you are achieving to help you effectively plan and succeed in your goal of running a marathon.

Remember - “anyone who completes the 26.2 distance is an absolute superstar!”


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