Coopah Running

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Running your first Marathon

Congratulations on deciding to run a marathon! Running a marathon is not quick challenge. It is one that many runners spend months or even several years training towards. No matter what time or position you get, the training you have done and reaching that finish line is a huge achievement on their own.

So you are running your first Marathon soon and want to find out a few helpful tips? Continue reading to hear what tips we have to share with you. 

Focus on what you can do! If some of these tips do not apply to you as your marathon may be in a few days, do not worry of them. Focus on the things you can do from now until your Marathon Day that will make sure you are well rested, feed and ready to run your Marathon!

Here are Coopah’S top 8 marathon tips before the big day

1. Sign up to a Marathon/ Set a Date

Having a date set will motivate you to train. By having a goal end date in place, you already have created a purpose for your training and a date to work towards. For many runners, running a marathon at an event with 10,000s of other people is easier than running it solo. This is due to the support and atmosphere on the day, other runners running it with you and the fuelling stations are ready for you. The event team has also mapped out the course already, therefore navigating around the marathon is straightforward. For your first marathon, this may be the option for you. 

Your goal can be to complete the marathon or you can also make it time specific, for example, completing a marathon in sub 5 hours. I also like adding milestones along the way, for example, run 5km at a specific pace or do at least 2 strength and conditioning sessions per week. Read London Marathon’s tips on setting goals for more.

2. Use a Marathon Training Plan

Coopah, your digital coach will create a training plan specific to your target race and your current running level. As you train, our plans adjust based on your progress, giving you the right sessions at the right time. Strength and conditioning sessions and Yoga classes are incorporated as well as recovery days. 

Download Coopah and start training for your marathon today! 

3. Double knot your shoelaces 10mins before you start. 

Some may even triple knot them! This little action ensures they are tight and secure before you start running. We all know how annoying it is to have to stop, bend down and tie our shoelaces when our legs are tired. 

4. Have your name visible on your T-shirt

Make sure your name is on your running top for all runners and spectators to see. This will allow supporters to shout your name and cheer you on! It makes a real difference when it is getting tough. When you hear someone shout your name, it will definitely perk you up!

5.YOUR Running shoes need to be comfortable

Marathon trainers need to be comfortable! You will be covering a lot on km’s in them. Try on a load of different brands, they are all different and some fit some runners better than others. The employees at running shoe shops will be experts in this area and will make sure you have the right ones for you. 

Another great tip is to make sure the first you wear them is not race day. Ensure you run in them for at least 1-2 weeks before. Important, it too make sure they are not too old either. It is recommended to not run more than around 400miles (650kms) in a pair of running trainers. However, if they do not show signs of overuse, maybe longer.

6. Wear your race outfit on several long runs before YOUR FIRST Marathon Day

It is very important to make sure your running outfit is comfortable and will stay comfortable for the duration of your Marathon race. You do not want to pass kilometre 26 and find out your shorts are starting to chafe, causing you unnecessary discomfort. 

It is also important to think about the weather. Will you be warm / cool enough? Will you need sun protection? Is it likely to rain? If so, have you run a long run in the rain in your race gear?

If you decide to complete a marathon in a costume, read our previous article on more tips about running in fancy dress

7. Nutrition Plan for Race Day

Fuelling during your marathon training and during your race is a very important area to experiment with. You are going to be exerting more energy than usual so make sure you give back to your body to help it repair and recover.

Make sure you have tried lots of different fuelling strategies in your long runs in preparation for your Marathon, as one strategy may work really well for one person but has the opposite effect on another runner. It is important to make sure your body is fuelled and your fuel options will not impact you in a negative way. 

8. Enjoy it! 

It is your first marathon! Do not focus on the pace. Focus on enjoying the journey, Marathon Day and reaching that finish line. The atmosphere at marathons are like no other. You can then focus on finishing it in a quicker time next time. Plus just crossing that finish line is an automatic Marathon PB!

We hope you found our top 8 first time marathon tips useful! From all of us at Coopah, we are wishing you the very best of luck with your upcoming Marathon! 

Do you have any other useful tips you would like to share with the Coopah community? 

Please email us at, we would love to hear them!