On Saturday 3rd December, the Refugee Run Club welcomed their 2nd Cohort!

The day started of with runners meeting at the Richmond Parkrun or the Edgbaston Reservoir Parkrun. They ran their first parkrun, and for many their first 5K. This is for them to see their starting point and how far and fast they could run before embarking on their training programme with Coopah as part of the Refugee Run Club.

Atefah, a new Refugee Run Club member, said, “I loved my first run with the Refugee Run Club. It was amazing to meet other Refugees and the rest of the runners at the Park Run. It made my week to be part of the club!”

They have now started their 8 week training programme. Well done to all our Refugee Run Club runners! We are so excited to support our next cohort of runners throughout their running journey. Their final Parkrun before graduating from the programme will be on the 4th February 2023, where they will see for themselves how far they have come in their running journey.


London Marathon - Train for a marathon in 16 weekS


What does Coopah do to really make running accessible?